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NZUW Papers

Net Zero Urban Water from Concept to Applications: Integrating Natural, Built, and Social Systems for Responsive and Adaptive Solutions

Crosson, C., Achilli, A., Zuniga-Teran, A.A., Mack, E.A., Albrecht, T., Shrestha, P., Boccelli, D.L., Cath, T.Y., Daigger, G.T., Duan, J., Lansey, K.E., Meixner, T., Pincetl, S., and Scott, C.A. ACS ES&T Water 2021 1 (3), 518-529

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Stakeholder Participation, Indicators, Assessment, and Decision‑Making: Applying Adaptive Management at the Watershed Scale

Zuniga-Teran, A. A., Fisher, L. A., Meixner, T., Le Tourneau, F. M., & Postillion, F. (2022). Stakeholder participation, indicators, assessment, and decision-making: applying adaptive management at the watershed scale. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194(3), 156.

The Unjust Distribution of Urban Green Infrastructure is Just the Tip of the Iceberg: A Systematic Review of Place-Based Studies

Zuniga-Teran, A. A., Gerlak, A. K., Elder, A. D., & Tam, A. (2021). The unjust distribution of urban green infrastructure is just the tip of the iceberg: A systematic review of place-based studies. Environmental Science & Policy, 126, 234-245.

Water Policies and Their Effects on Water Usage: The Case of Tucson,

Zuniga-Teran, A. A., & Tortajada, C. (2021). Water policies and their effects on water usage: The case of Tucson, Arizona. Water Util J, 28, 1-17.

Challenges of Mainstreaming Green Infrastructure in Built Environment Professions

Zuniga-Teran, A. A., Staddon, C., de Vito, L., Gerlak, A. K., Ward, S., Schoeman, Y., ... & Booth, G. (2020). Challenges of mainstreaming green infrastructure in built environment professions. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 63(4), 710-732.

Urban Resilience and Green Infrastructure Systems: Towards a Multidimensional Evaluation

Zuniga-Teran, A. A., Gerlak, A. K., Mayer, B., Evans, T. P., & Lansey, K. E. (2020). Urban resilience and green infrastructure systems: Towards a multidimensional evaluation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 44, 42-47.

Forecasting Hourly Water Demands with Seasonal Autoregressive Models for Real-Time Application

Chen, J. and D. L. Boccelli. 2018. Forecasting Hourly Water Demands with Seasonal Autoregressive Models for Real-Time Application. Water Resources Research, 54(2), 879-894.

Innovating the Urban Water System: Achieving a Net Zero Water Future Beyond Current Regulation

Crosson, Courtney. "Innovating the Urban Water System: Achieving a Net Zero Water Future Beyond Current Regulation." Technology| Architecture+ Design 2, no. 1 (2018): 68-81.

Event-Response Ellipses: A Method to Quantify and Compare the Role of Dynamic Storage at the Catchment Scale inSnowmelt-Dominated Systems

Driscoll, J., Meixner, T., Molotch, N., Ferre, T., Williams, M., & Sickman, J. (2018). Event-Response Ellipses: A Method to Quantify and Compare the Role of Dynamic Storage at the Catchment Scale in Snowmelt-Dominated Systems. Water, 10(12), 1824.

Water security and the pursuit of food, energy, and earth systems resilience

Scott, C.A., T. Albrecht, R. de Grenade, A. Zuniga-Teran, R.G. Varady, B. Thapa. 2018. Water security and the pursuit of food, energy, and earth systems resilience. Water International 43: 1055-1074, doi: 10.1080/02508060.2018.1534564.

Framework for incorporating climate change on flood magnitude and frequency analysis in the upper Santa Cruz River

Duan, J. G., Bai, Y, Dominguez, F., Rivera, E., Meixner, T. (2017) “Framework for incorporating climate change on flood magnitude and frequency analysis in the upper Santa Cruz River”, Journal of
Hydrology, 549, 194-207.

How might recharge change under projected climate change in the western U.S.?

Niraula, R., Meixner, T., Dominguez, F., Bhattarai, N., Rodell, M., Ajami, H., Gochis, D., & Castro, C.
(2017). How might recharge change under projected climate change in the western U.S.?. Geophysical
Research Letters, 44.

An Integrated System-Wide Model-Based Event Detection Algorithm

Yang, X. and D. L. Boccelli. 2017. An Integrated System-Wide Model-Based Event Detection Algorithm. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 143(8), 04017047.

Simulation of surface runoff using hydrodynamic model

Yu, C. and Duan, Jennifer G., “Simulation of surface runoff using hydrodynamic model”, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001497.

Achieving Net Zero Water in Severe Drought Prone Areas: A Case Study of Catchment, Storage, and Infiltration Optimization

Crosson, Courtney. "Achieving Net Zero Water in Severe Drought Prone Areas: A Case Study of Catchment, Storage, and Infiltration Optimization." Procedia Engineering 145 (2016): 782-789.

Implications of projected climate change for groundwater recharge in the western United States

Meixner, T., Manning, A. H., Stonestrom, D. A., Allen, D. M., Ajami, H., Blasch, K. W., ... & Flint, A. L. (2016). Implications of projected climate change for groundwater recharge in the western United States. Journal of Hydrology, 534, 124-138.

Scenario-based robust optimization of a water supply system under risk of facility failure

Lan, F., W. Lin and K. Lansey (2015), “Scenario-based robust optimization of a water supply system under risk of facility failure", Environmental Modelling & Software, 67, May, 160-172.

The water-energy-food nexus: Adaptive capacity to complex global challenges

Scott, C.A., M. Kurian, J.L. Wescoat, Jr. 2015. The water-energy-food nexus: Adaptive capacity to complex global challenges. In M. Kurian and R. Ardakanian (eds.). Governing the Nexus: Water, Soil and Waste Resources Considering Global Change, Springer, Berlin, pp. 15-38.

Simulating unsteady flow and sediment transport in vegetated channel network

Bai, Y. and Duan, J.G. (2014) “Simulating unsteady flow and sediment transport in vegetated channel network”, J. of Hydrol.,

A Simulation Study to Evaluate Temporal Aggregation and Variability of Stochastic Water Demands on Distribution System Hydraulics and Transport

Yang, X. and D. L. Boccelli. 2014. A Simulation Study to Evaluate Temporal Aggregation and Variability of Stochastic Water Demands on Distribution System Hydraulics and Transport. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 140(8), 04014017.

Centralized versus Decentralized Wastewater Reclamation in the Houghton Area of Tucson, Arizona

Woods, G., Kang, D., Quintanar, D., Curley, E., Davis, S., Lansey, K., and Arnold, R. (2013). ”Centralized versus Decentralized Wastewater Reclamation in the Houghton Area of Tucson, Arizona.” J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage., 139(3), 313–324.

Scenario Planning to Address Critical Uncertainties for Robust and Resilient Water-Wastewater Infrastructures under Conditions of Water Scarcity and Rapid Development

Scott, C. A., C. J. Bailey, R. Marra, G. Woods, K. Ormerod, and K. Lansey, “Scenario Planning to Address Critical Uncertainties for Robust and Resilient Water-Wastewater Infrastructures under Conditions of Water Scarcity and Rapid Development,” Water, 4(4), 848-868, Dec. 2012.

Energy and water resources scarcity: Critical infrastructure for growth and economic development in Arizona and Sonora

Scott, C.A., M.J. Pasqualetti. 2010. Energy and water resources scarcity: Critical infrastructure for growth and economic development in Arizona and Sonora. Natural Resources Journal 50(3): 645-682.

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